
Bazarr is a companion application to Sonarr and Radarr. It manages and downloads subtitles based on your requirements.

You'll need to execute some commands via SSH to use this software. There is a separate guide on how to connect to your slot via SSH. Commands are kept as simple as possible and in most cases will simply need to be copied and pasted into the terminal window (then executed by pressing the Enter key).

Table of contents


  1. You'll need to install Python.
  2. Next, you'll need to copy and paste the following SSH commands:
    unzip -d bazarr
    cd bazarr
    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. After starting it for the first time you must set up authentication. You can find this under Settings (in the menu), General (in the menu), Security (page section), Authentication (drop-down) and select "Basic" then fill out a username and password.
  4. Consider setting up the example cron for automatic restarts.


You can start Bazarr and print its URL with the following:

port=$(shuf -i 10001-32001 -n 1) && screen -dmS bazarr /bin/bash -c "python ~/bazarr/ -p $port" && echo "http://$(hostname -f):$port/"

If you need to check that it's running, you can run the command below. If the process is running a list of relevant process ID numbers will be listed. If nothing is listed, the process is not running.

pgrep -laf bazarr

The Bazarr process is stopped by executing:

pkill -f bazarr

If the process has crashed and will not stop when requested, you can kill it with:

pkill -f -9 bazarr


The install keeps everything in the folder ~/bazarr. Uninstalling involves deleting these files and stopping the Bazarr process.

This can be done with the SSH command:

rm -rf ~/bazarr; pkill -f -9 bazarr