
This article will show you how to install and configure qBittorrent (project website, GitHub repository). qBittorrent can be used as an alternative to ruTorrent, Deluge or Transmission.

You'll need to execute some commands via SSH to use this software. There is a separate guide on how to connect to your slot via SSH. Commands are kept as simple as possible and in most cases will simply need to be copied and pasted into the terminal window (then executed by pressing the Enter key).

Table of contents


Installation and configuration is done entirely by a script. Copy and paste the following command to install qBittorrent:

wget -qO ~/install.qbittorrent.sh https://bitbucket.org/feralio/wiki/raw/HEAD/src/wiki/software/qbittorrent/install && bash ~/install.qbittorrent.sh

This script will output a success message alongside your login details: a URL, a username and a password. The password is not stored anywhere so you will need to save it. Your browser's password manager is good location. Since qBittorrent is run in a container, it can only be started by the auto-restart. So you will need to wait five minutes for qBittorrent to be started.

Starting, stopping and restarting

This section covers the qBittorrent process - starting it, stopping it and restarting it. It also covers checking if the process is running, in case that becomes necessary.

You cannot start qBittorrent manually. Wait five minutes for it to auto-restart.
check running
pgrep -laf qbittorrent-nox
pkill -f qbittorrent-nox
kill (force stop)
pkill -9 -f qbittorrent-nox
pkill -f qbittorrent-nox Then wait five minutes for it to auto-restart.


Visiting the URL gives a "502 Bad Gateway" error
Wait five minutes for qbittorrent to be auto-restarted.
Connectivity issues (no DHT nodes, not connecting to trackers)
Installs not using the install script may see these errors. Run the install script to reinstall (you do not need to uninstall first).
Any other issues
Try running the "kill" method using the section above and waiting five minutes for qbittorrent to restart.


The following SSH commands will uninstall qbittorrent from your slot. You do not need to run them if reinstalling.

rm -rf ~/bin/qbittorrent-nox ~/install.qbittorrent.sh ~/.config/feral/user-container.d/wiki-qbittorrent ~/.nginx/conf.d/000-default-server.d/wiki-qbittorrent.conf
rm -rf ~/.config/qBittorrent ./.cache/qBittorrent ~/.local/share/qBittorrent/ ~/private/qBittorrent
/usr/sbin/nginx -s reload -c ~/.nginx/nginx.conf 2>/dev/null
pkill -9 -f qbittorrent-nox
echo Uninstalled.